A Guide to WoW Vendor Mounts: Where to Buy and How to Use

You’re a dedicated WoW player, always chasing the next big thrill. Welcome to your go-to guide for WoW vendor mounts. Here, you’ll discover where to snag these prized possessions and utilize them in your gameplay. From ground mounts to flying spectacles, you’ll traverse Azeroth faster and with unmatched flair. So, let’s saddle up and dive into the world of vendor mounts together. It’s time to level up your WoW experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Mounts in World of Warcraft can be obtained through gameplay progression, such as leveling up, completing quests, and achieving certain milestones.
  • Reputation and quest rewards offer alternative ground and flying mounts with unique appearances.
  • The Argent Tournament and PvP combat provide opportunities to obtain mounts through Champion’s Seals, reputation, or Marks of Honor.
  • World events and exclusive promotions offer the chance to acquire unusual mounts or those no longer available in the game.

World of Warcraft Racial Mounts

The first type of mount you’ll encounter in World of Warcraft is the racial mount, which becomes available when you reach level 10 and acquire the Apprentice riding skill. You typically purchase these racial mounts from the cheapest vendor within your race’s capital city, like Dun Morogh for Dwarves. This is where your favorite mount comes into play. Each race has unique mounts tied to their culture and environment. To acquire mounts of other races, you need an exalted reputation with that particular race, achieved by completing daily quests or helping fellow players. However, remember that not all racial mounts are created equal. Some may allow you to traverse through Azeroth faster or more efficiently. Now, let’s discuss ‘reputation reward ground mounts.’

Reputation Reward Ground Mounts

You’ll find that earning a reputation with various factions opens opportunities to purchase unique ground mounts. These reputation rewards are not only aesthetically pleasing but can also offer a faster mount option, enhancing your gameplay experience.

Here are some key points to note:

  • Certain factions reward you with unique mounts after reaching an exalted reputation.
  • These mounts can often be purchased with gold or pvp currency.
  • To increase your reputation, complete daily quests or wear faction-specific tabards in dungeons.
  • Some reputation mounts require specific achievements to unlock their purchase.

Reputation Reward Flying Mounts

Continuing your journey to the skies earning reputation with certain factions also grants you access to unique flying mounts. These mounts not only provide a faster means of transportation but also add flair to your in-game persona.

FactionReputation LevelFlying Mount
The Sha’tari SkyguardExaltedNether Ray
The Sons of HodirExaltedIce Mammoth
The NetherwingExaltedNetherwing Drake
The Order of the Cloud SerpentExaltedCloud Serpent

Each faction requires dedicated efforts to reach the ‘Exalted’ level. The reward, however, is well worth the grind. Now that we’ve covered reputation-based mounts, next, let’s delve into the world of ‘vendor mounts’ and how they can be obtained and utilized.

Vendor Mounts

Diving into the realm of vendor mounts, you’ll find these unique transportation options bring a whole new excitement to your WoW experience. Vendor mounts aren’t just easy to use; they add a distinctive aesthetic flavor to your avatar’s in-game persona.

Here’s what you need to know about them:

  • Where to buy them: You can purchase vendor mounts from specific NPCs like Mei Francis in Dalaran or Uncle Big-pocket in Kun-Lai Summit.
  • Cost: They’re not cheap. Prices vary but be prepared to spend a hefty sum of your hard-earned gold.
  • Riding skills: Depending on the mount, you’ll need a certain riding skill level to use them.
  • Unique traits: Each vendor mount has unique aesthetics and traits, so choose wisely!

PvP Mounts

Often, you’ll find yourself rewarded with unique and striking mounts for actively participating in Player versus Player (PvP) combat in World of Warcraft. These mounts are not just badges of honor, but they also provide a practical benefit: faster travel across the vast world of Azeroth.

Here are some of the notable PvP mounts:

Mount NameHow to Obtain
Black War BearFor The Horde/Alliance Achievement
Vicious War FoxTrade Vicious Saddle to vendor
Prestigious War SteedEarn honor in PvP activities

Riding High with Argent Tournament Mounts

Picture this: you’re taking a hiatus from the adrenaline-fueled intensity of PvP combat, and you’re stepping into the regal grandeur of the Argent Tournament. This isn’t just any old battleground; it’s a magnificent spectacle where you vie for honor, glory, and the opportunity to command some seriously impressive mounts.

Here’s your chance to add some unique mounts to your collection. But how do you go about it? Let’s break it down:

  • First off, you’ve got to complete daily quests to earn those precious Champion’s Seals.
  • Remember, these seals aren’t just decorative; they’re your hard-earned currency to snag these mounts.
  • Save those seals because they’re your ticket to new mounts.

Sure, it might feel like a grind at times, but trust me, the payoff is worth it. You’ll have a collection of mounts that’ll make even the most hardened adventurers in Azeroth do a double-take. Get out there and show them what you’re made of!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Process of Obtaining Mounts Through the Achievement System in Wow?

In World of Warcraft, you can earn mounts through the achievement system. As you progress and hit various milestones in the game, you’ll be rewarded with unique flying mounts. Each achievement has specific criteria you need to meet, like completing quests or gaining a reputation. Once you’ve met these requirements, the mount is yours to use. Remember, some of these mounts are exclusive to achievements, so keep playing and achieving to build your collection.

Are There Any Special Conditions or Requirements for Using the Sea Turtle Mount?

Yes, there are special conditions for using the Sea Turtle mount in WoW. You’ve got to be at least level 10 to use it, and it doesn’t require any specific riding skill. It’s a unique aquatic mount, meaning it can swim swiftly underwater. But remember, it’s not faster on land. You get it from fishing in any Northrend or higher-level pool, but it’s a rare catch!

Which Mounts Are No Longer Available in Wow, and Why Were They Removed?

You’re curious about mounts no longer available in WoW. Some were retired due to game updates, like the original epic mounts. Others were event-specific, like the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal from the Ahn’Qiraj event. It’s Blizzard’s way of making these mounts unique and exclusive. They’re gone but not forgotten, adding to WoW’s rich history.

How Can I Increase My Reputation to Reduce the Gold Cost for Mounts?

Grinding reputation in WoW’s a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll need to complete daily quests and missions for specific factions. Participating in world events linked to your chosen faction also helps. Don’t forget about reputation tokens that you can earn through mission tables and emissary quests. Use them wisely. Lastly, remember to equip faction tabards when running dungeons. It’s a long journey, but your wallet will thank you when you get great discounts on those coveted mounts.

What Are Some Unique Mounts That Can Only Be Obtained Through the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game or Promotional Events Like Blizzcon?

You can snag unique wow mounts via the World of Warcraft trading card game (TCG) or special events like BlizzCon. These include the uber-rare Spectral Tiger, the playful Swift Spectral Kitten, and the mighty X-51 Nether-Rocket. BlizzCon often offers exclusive mounts like the Big Blizzard Bear. Remember, these can’t be bought from vendors or won in-game. They’re rare treasures that’ll make you stand out in Azeroth. So, keep your eyes peeled for those unique opportunities.


Ah, fellow World of Warcraft devotee, you may think that pursuing vendor mounts is a tedious task not worth your time. But, old friend, let’s not forget that these are not merely aesthetic enhancements. Oh no, they offer a strategic upper hand. Whether zipping through enemy-infested lands or showcasing your impressive collection, these mounts are revolutionary.

But fear not, for this guide isn’t merely a pointer; it’s an arsenal. It’s equipped you with the know-how to snag and exploit these game-changers. So, here’s your call to arms:

  • Step out into the battlefield, bolster your reputation
  • Conquer those skirmishes with the ferocity of a lion
  • Become the proud owner of these majestic mounts
  • Strut your stuff through Azeroth, riding high on your hard-earned pride

So, my fellow adventurer, there’s no time like the present. Charge forth, put this knowledge to use, and let the World of Warcraft see the formidable player you are!